After living as a dragon's companion and butler for many years, Nick's done. He'd done with the mood swings, and the secrets, and plainly, he is tired of being a side character in Phineas the lightning dragon's imagination.
With some help, he leaves his dragon behind to find some happiness and peace for himself. Nick knows if he can't find peace or contentment somehow, there will be no hope for him and Phin.
Nick didn't count on the stubbornness of dragons, and their intense need to keep their treasure safe and near. Phineas–lost in a world of ennui and complacency– is shocked to be without his Nick. He chases after Nick to the human world and not only does he find Nick, but himself. With this acceptance, Nick and Phin find out the love was around them the whole time.
In this tale of cosplays, outdoor fun times and a claiming gone awry, Nick and Phin bring new meaning to love is blind and friends to lovers.